Zippo Pine Bar

0617456; 1969; Sorrel; (Zippo Pat Bars x Dollie Pine)

Stallion Show Record
Superior Performance, 1972 WP
AQHA High Point Performance Horse, 1972 WR, Jr. WR
AQHA Champion, 1972
ROM Performance, '72 O
Performance Point Earner
Halter Point Earner
Hall of Fame, '92 NSBA Inductee; 2000 AQHA Inductee

Total Points Earned: 145; Halter Points: 33; Perf Points: 112;

Stallion Sire Record
World Champion Sire
Reserve World Champion Sire
Top Ten World Show Sire
Superior Halter Sire
Superior Performance Sire
AQHA High Point Performance Stallion Sire
AQHA Reserve High Point Performance Stallion Sire
AQHA Champion Sire
ROM Halter Sire
ROM Performance Sire
Performance Point Earner Sire
Halter Point Earner Sire
Pleasure Get Money-earners
Hall of Fame Sire, NSBA

Leading Sire List
AQHA Performance List: #1 All-Time Leading Sire of Perf. ROM qualifiers - 377; 2 leading sire of '00 perf ROM qualifiers - 15

Stallion Rankings - A Top Stallion Ranked By:
bulletAll-Time Stallion Offspring Lifetime Western Pleasure Earnings
bulletAll-Time Stallion Offspring Avg. Western Pleasure Earnings
bulletAll-Time Stallion Offspring Avg. Hunter Under Saddle Earnings
bulletAll-Time Stallion Offspring Lifetime Pleasure Earnings
bulletAll-Time Stallion Offspring Lifetime Hunter Hack Earnings
bulletAll-Time Stallion Offspring Avg. Hunter Hack Earnings

Get Record
Total Points Earned: 52,149.5; Reg Foals: 1,646; Number Shown: 829; Point Earners: 729; Lifetime Incentive Fund: $894,951; Halter Points Earned: 1,077; Halter Point Earners: 186; Halter ROMS: 14; Halter Superior Awards: 5; Performance Points Earned: 51,072.5; Performance Point Earners: 1,327; Performance ROMS: 808; Performance Superior Awards: 292; AQHA Champions: 10; Total Superior Awards: 297; Total ROM's: 822; Total World Championships: 20; Total Res World Championships: 37; High Point Wins: 17; All Around High Point Wins: 3;

Other Information
#1 ranked All-time leading sire of AQHA points earned by progency in O HLT & Perf. classes as of Jan. 1, 1999. #12 AQHA All-time leading sires by # of registered progency.

Stallion Specialties: Western Pleasure, English Performance, Halter

Offspr NRHA LTE Earnings: $103

Offspr WP LTE Fut Earnings: $605,847
Number of WP Fut Offspr: 174
Offspr WP LTE Fut Avg Earnings: $3,482

Offspr HUS LTE Fut Earnings: $4,773
Number of HUS Fut Offspr: 5
Offspr HUS LTE Fut Avg Earnings: $955

Offspr HH LTE Fut Earnings: $579
Number of HH Fut Offspr: 3
Offspr HH LTE Fut Avg Earnings: $193

Offspr Total Pleasure LTE Fut Earnings: $615,676
Number of Total Pleasure Fut Offspr: 180
Offspr Total Pleasure LTE Fut Avg Earnings: $3,420

Outstanding Get
A Zip Of Scotch, 63 Perf. Pts., '99 Superior WP
Abby Pine Bar, 57.5 Perf. Pts., '00 Superior WP
Azip N Ward, 124 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$8,190.78, '95 AMT Superior WP
Back Page News, WP LTE-$16,811.20
Big Time Zipper, 11.5 HLT & 296 Perf. Pts., Superior TR & WP
Billie Pine Bar, 241 Perf. Pts., Superior WP & Show.; Res. World Champ. Show.; AQHA Perf. Champ.
Blue Denim Zipper, 89 Perf. Pts., '92 O Superior WP
Bye Bye Band Bar, WP LTE-$10,373.59
Cant Stop Zipping, 134 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$21,444.19, '99 AMT & O Superior WP
Certified Zippo, 59.5 Perf. Pts., '00 Superior WP
Custom Zipper, 410.5 Perf. Pts., World Champ. WP; Res. World Champ. WP; Superior WP
Dont Skip Zip, 1.5 HLT & 177 Perf Pts., O & AMT Superior WP
EBG Classic Creation, 141.5 Perf. Pts., '99 Superior Whorse.
Eras Spectacular Zip, 239.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WR & TR
Essence Of Bar, 66.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$6,721.50, '99 AMT Superior WP
Etta Way To Zip, 2 HLT & 355.5 Perf. Pts., O & AMT Superior WR & Whorse.
Fancy Executive, 95 Perf. Pts., '93 Superior WP
Fancy Zippin, 82.5 Perf. Pts., '91 Superior WP
Fast Regulation, 139 Perf. Pts., '88 AMT Res. World Champ. PB
Flashy Way To Zip, 110 Perf. Pts., '91 Superior WP
Flashy Zipper, 2 HLT & 100 Perf. Pts., '85 Superior WP
Forever A Zippo, 166.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$10,791.06, '94 AMT Res. World Champ. WP; '94 AMT Superior WP
Forever In A Dream, 74.5 Perf. Pts., '94 AMT Superior WP
Forever Zipped, 72.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$11,134.57, '97 AMT Superior WP
Four L Roxzip, 11 HLT & 264 Perf. Pts., '77 O & '78 Y Superior WP; '77 O Res. World Champ. Jr WP
Go Slow Zippo, WP LTE-$3,159.20; 152 Perf Pts., '97 O Superior TR
Hardtack Zippo Bar, 111 Perf. Pts., '96 Superior WP
Hes More Zippo, 1 HLT & 368.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WP 4 X
Ima Slow Zipper, 113 Perf. Pts., '91 Superior WP
Ima Smokin Zipper, 1.5 HLT & 220 Perf. Pts., Superior WP & TR; Res. World Champ. Jr WR
Ima Zippo Pine, .5 HLT & 319.5 Perf. Pts., O, AMT & Y Superior WP
Irresistabelle Zip, 75.5 Perf. Pts., '92 O Superior WP
J Mr Magnolia Zip, '01 World Champion Y WP
Jennie Van Detta, 93 Perf. Pts., '93 Superior WP
Just Zippin By, 201.5 Perf. Pts., O & AMT Superior WP
Kat Man Zip, 53.5 Perf. Pts., '93 Superior WP
KB Masterpiece, 16 HLT & 110 Perf. Pts., '97 AQHA Champ.
Leaguers Grand Slam, 317 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$11,882.14, '99 AMT Superior WP; '99 O Res. World Champ. Jr WP
License To Zip, 33.5 HLT & 470.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WR & TR; AQHA Champ.; AQHA Superior All Around
Loksakina Zippo, 224.5 Perf. Pts., '89 O Superior WP
Lonsum Zipper, 157 Perf. Pts., AMT & O Superior WP
Lonsum Zippo, 218.5 Perf. Pts.; EP LTE-$2,811, '95 Y World Champ. EOF & WH; '92 Res. World Champ. Sr WH; '95 Superior WH
Maid To Zip, 61.5 Perf. Pts., '93 Superior WP
Me & My Zippo, 51.5 Perf. Pts., '96 Superior WP
Melody Zipper, 7 HLT & 1,893 Perf. Pts., World Champ. HSE & Whorse.; Res. World Champ. Whorse, WP, HUS, HSE;
Miss Arizona Pine, 128.5 Perf. Pts., '99 O Superior WP
Miss Dakota Zippo, 3.5 HLT & 148 Perf. Pts., '89 O Superior WP
Miss Zippo Win, 7.5 HLT & 346 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$5,692.41, '95 Res. World Champ. Sr WP; '93 AMT & O Superior WP
Misters Zipper, 66 HLT & 125.5 Perf. Pts, '97 Superior HLT; '95 AQHA Champ.
Moonlight Zipper, 275 Perf. Pts., Superior HUS & WP
Mr Magnolia Zip, 500 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$21,538.57, Y, O & AMT Superior WP; '97 Y Res. World Champ. WP
Mr Rusty Zipper, 83.5 Perf. Pts., '89 Superior WP
Mr Zippo Jet, 112.5 Perf. Pts., '96 O Superior Wp
Mr Zippo Pine, 136 Perf. Pts. '95 NSBA Hall of Fame Inductee
Mr Zippo Zach, 1 HLT & 451 Perf. Pts., '80 O & '84 Y Superior WP
Ms Pleasure Perfect, 51.5 Perf. Pts., '97 Superior WP
Ms Zipper Ripper, 111 Perf. Pts., '89 O Superior WP
Mz Zippolena, 125.5 Perf. Pts., '93 Y Superior WP
Naughty Zippo, 29.5 HLT & 154 Perf. Pts., '99 y AQHA Champ.
Norman Zippo, 1 HLT & 548.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WR, HUS, WP & Whorse.; AQHA Perf. Champ.
Oh What A Ride, 159.5 Perf. Pts., '00 AMT & O Superior WP
Ok Im Zipped, 747.5 Perf. Pts., Superior TR, WR & Whorse.; World Champ. WR; Res. World Champ. Whorse.;
Ok Zip Me, 53 Perf. Pts., '96 Superior WP
Part Of The Plan, .5 HLT & 183.5 Perf. Pts., '94 O & AMT Superior HUS
Perfect Execution, 58.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$8,151.70, '00 Superior WP
Pleasure Persuasion, 127.5 Perf. Pts., '93 Superior WP
Poco Zippos Delite, 144 Perf. Pts., '92 Superior WR; '90 Res. World Champ. Sr WR
Pocos Bit Of Zip, .5 HLT & 243.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WR & WP
Rebas Stormin Norman, 372 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$6,059.78, Superior WP 3 X
Ritzy Zipper, 165 Perf. Pts., '92 AMT & O Superior WP
Rockin To The Rhythm, 126.5 Perf. Pts., '98 Y & O Superior WP
Rosie Zipper, 236.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WP 3x
Rosies Bonanza, 144.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$6,564.25, '98 AMT Superior WP
Rumour Has It, 2 HLT & 539.5 Perf. Pts., Superior Show. & Whorse.
Send Money Honey, 1 HLT & 356 Perf. Pts., Superior HUS, HSE, Whorse.; AQHA Perf. Champ.
She Be Sassy, 46 Perf. Pts., '93 AMT World Champ. WP
Shes A Deuce Coupe, 51 Perf. Pts., Superior WP
Shes Zippin Around, 119.5 Perf. Pts., '94 O Superior WP
Sheza Zip Teez, 217.5 Perf. Pts., O, AMT & Y Superior WP
Sizzlin Zippo, 2 HLT & 114 Perf. Pts., '97 Superior WP
Slightly Zipped (PT), WP LTE-$17,836.26
Snazzy Zippo, 55.5 Perf. Pts, '93 Superior WP
Sonny Pine Oil, 349.5 Perf. Pts., AMT, Y & O Superior WP
Sonnys Lucky Zipper, 2 HLT & 106 Perf. Pts., '96 Superior WP
Startin Rumors, 380 Perf. Pts., Superior TR & WP
Sweet Zippo Babe, 104.5 Perf. Pts., '90 Superior WP
Talarosa Zippo, .5 HLT & 52 Perf. Pts., '98 Superior WP
Te Sippin Cindy, 206.5 Perf. Pts., '91 AMT Superior HUS
The Blue Zipper, 144 Perf. Pts., '93 Y Superior WP
The Impressive Zippo, 53.5 Perf. Pts., '99 Superior WP
The Little Gremlin, .5 HLT & 53 Perf. Pts., '89 O Superior WP
The Zipster, 95.5 Perf. Pts., '93 AMT Superior WP
Therapy, 110 Perf. Pts., '92 O & AMT Superior WP
Time To Zip It Up, 61 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$19,860.57, '98 O Res. World Champ.; '99 AMT Superior WP
To Zip Or Not, 215.5 Perf. Pts., AMT & O Superior WP
Traditional Zippo, WP & EP LTE-$5,040; '01 Res World Champion Y HUS
Two Timin Pine, WP & EP LTE-$6,320.93
Twp Timin Pine, WP LTE-$6,320.93
Watch Me Zip, 163.5 Perf. Pts., O & AMT Superior WP
Way To Zippo, 89.5 Perf. Pts., '95 Amt Superior WP
What A Fancy Zippo, 421.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WP & TR
Winnie Pine Bar, 175.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$14,137.29, '99 Y & '00 O Superior WP; '99 Y World Champ. WP
Zip A League, WP LTE-$5,219.21
Zip A Leaguer, WP & EP LTE-$14,871.01
Zip A Little More, WP LTE-$17,698.92
Zip Along Bar, 72 Perf. Pts., '88 AMT Superior WP
Zip In Step, 126.5 Perf. Pts., '93 AMT Superior WP
Zip Into My League, WP & EP LTE$5,219.21
Zip Lightly, 128 Perf. Pts., O & AMT Superior WP
Zip My Sock, 175.5 Perf. Pts., '91 Superior WP
Zip N Win, 79 Perf. Pts., '95 Superior WP
Zip Strip Bonanza, .5 HLT & 268.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WP, TR, & Whorse.; '92 AQHA Perf. Champ.
Zip Tide, 257 Perf. Pts.
Zip To the Country, Superior Perf. & AQHA Champ.
Zipa Tiger, 59.5 Perf. Pts., '99 Superior WP
Zipabull, 54 Perf. Pts., World Champ. Jr. HH; World Show Superhorse; Res. World Champ. Jr WR
Ziploose N Fancyfree, 157.5 Perf. Pts., '93 Superior WP
Zippas Mr Tiger, 269.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WP 3 X
Zipped Just Right, .5 HLT & 80 Perf. Pts., '96 Y Superior WP
Zipped Tight, 163 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$34,321.11; '98 AMT Res. World Champ. WP, '99 O & AMT Superior WP; '00 Res World Champ Jr WR
Zippers Twisted, 26.5 HLT & 205 Perf. Pts., Superior Show. & Whorse.
Zippin Pine, 94 Perf. Pts., '86 O Superior WP
Zippo A Ward, .5 HLT & 272.5 Perf. Pts., '90 Superior WP
Zippo Amegio, 128 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$11,592.44'00 AMT Superior WP, '00 Res World Champion AMT WP
Zippo Bar Miss, 85 Perf. Pts., '94 Superior WP
Zippo Bonanza, 132.5 Perf. Pts., '89 O Superior WP
Zippo By Moonlight, 234.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$7,189.73; O & AMT Superior WP; World Champ. Jr WP, Res. World Champ. Jr WP; '97 NSBA Hall of Fame
Zippo Can Do, 70.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$19,843.75, '98 Superior WP; '98 World Champ. Jr WP
Zippo Cash Bar, 62 HLT & 24 Perf. Pts., '81 O Superior HLT; '81 O AQHA Champ.
Zippo Dandy, 65.5 Perf. Pts., '93 AMT Superior WP
Zippo Erin, 338 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$9,298.98, O & AMT Superior WP; Res. World Champ. Sr WP
Zippo Esprit Dude, .5 HLT & 152.5 Perf. Pts., '96 Amt. Superior WP
Zippo Hot Pine, WP LTE-$15,309.89
Zippo Jack Bar, World Champ. Sr. WP; Res. World Champ. WP, Jr. WP
Zippo LTD, 17.5 HLT & 3,353 Perf. Pts., World Champ. TR; AQHA Superior All Around; Superior TR, WR, Show., WP;
Zippo Marx, 4 HLT & 194 Perf. Pts., '97 Y Superior HUS
Zippo Mint Bar, .5 HLT & 50 Perf. Pts., '94 Superior WP
Zippo Pine Ette, .5 HLT & 351.5 Perf. Pts., Y & O Superior WP
Zippo Pine Glow, 155.5 Perf. Pts., AMT & O Superior WP
Zippo Strait To You, 2 HLT & 122.5 Perf. Pts.; EP LTE-$1,172, Superior WP & WR
Zippo Thirsty Bar, 142 Perf. Pts., '93 AMT Superior WP
Zippo's Jan, 39 HLT & 212 Perf. Pts., Superior WP 2 X; '78 AQHA Champ.
Zippo's Shasta, 74 HLT & 3 Perf. Pts., '76 O Superior HLT; '76 O Res. World Champ.
Zippodorable, WP & EP LTE-$5,556.32
Zippomite, 525 Perf. Pts., Superior WP & Show.; Res. World Champ. WP
Zippos Account, 163 Perf. Pts., '90 Superior WP
Zippos Amblin Easy, 577.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$12,081.78, World Champ. 4X WP; Res. World Champ. 3X WP; Superior WP 3X
Zippos Amy, 20 HLT & 167 Perf. Pts., '84 O Superior HUS
Zippos April Wine, 224.5 Perf. Pts., '84 Y & '85 O Superior WP
Zippos Bandana, 2.5 HLT & 677.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WR, WP & Whorse.; AQHA Perf. Champ.
Zippos Betty Bea, WP LTE-$34,923.71
Zippos Big Trouble, 61 Perf. Pts., '90 Superior WP
Zippos Cardinal, 1 HLT & 254.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WP & Whorse
Zippos Carl Bar, 142 Perf. Pts., '84 O & AMT Superior WP
Zippos Cat Bar, 285 Perf. Pts., Superior WP 3X
Zippos Cody Dee, 466.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WP, HSE, Whorse., Show.; AQHA Perf. Champ.
Zippos Do Tell, 109 Perf. Pts., '97 AMT Superior WP
Zippos Due Claw, 1,001 Perf. Pts., Superior WR, WP, Whorse.; Res. World Champ. WR & WP
Zippos Hot Design, WP LTE-$9,853.52
Zippos Hotzy, 269.5 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$16,766.98, '97 O & '98 AMT Superior WP
Zippos Jim, World Champ. WP; Superior WP
Zippos Larry Straw, 102.5 Perf. Pts., '87 AMT Superior WP
Zippos Lil Bee, 2 HLT & 79 Perf. Pts., '94 Superior WP
Zippos Masterpeace, 1 HLT & 393.5 Perf. Pts., O, AMT, & Y Superior WP
Zippos Mccue, 74.5 Perf. Pts., '96 O Superior WP
Zippos Miss Parr Two, 112 Perf. Pts., AMT & O Superior WP
Zippos Monsieur, 136 Perf. Pts., '84 O Superior WP; '84 Res. World Champ. Jr WP
Zippos Mr Good Bar, 71 Perf. Pts.; '89 O Superior WP, 2000 NSBA Hall of Fame
Zippos New Year, 2.5 HLT & 316.5 Perf. Pts., '94 Superior WP & Show.
Zippos Old Gold, World Champ. ABHA-Jr.WP, AMT & Y WP
Zippos Pine Cone, 77 HLT & 25 Perf. Pts., '81 O Superior HLT
Zippos Pretender, 154 Perf. Pts., Y & O Superior WP
Zippos Punkin, 101 Perf. Pts., '84 Superior WP
Zippos Rising Star, 98.5 Perf. Pts., '92 Superior WP
Zippos Rockin Robin, 74 HLT & 1,253.5 Perf. Pts., Superior WR, TR, WP, HLT & Show.; Aqha Champ. Aqha Perf. Champ. 3X
Zippos Scarlet Queen, 57 Perf. Pts., '95 O Superior WP
Zippos Sheik, 75 Perf. Pts.; WP LTE-$17,431.02, '97 O Superior WP
Zippos Short Stuff, 305 Perf. Pts., AMT, Y & O Superior WP
Zippos Signature, 131 Perf. Pts., '99 O Res. World Champ. Sr TR; '99 O Superior TR
Zippos Skip, 1 HLT & 80 Perf. Pts., '86 O Superior WP
Zippos Social Bar, 24 HLT & 55 Perf. Pts., '83 Superior WP; '82 AQHA Champ.
Zippos Specialty, 131 Perf. Pts., '95 Y Superior WP
Zippos Stagehand, 62.5 Perf. Pts.
Zippos Sunny, Superior HLT, WP, WR & AQHA Champ.
Zippos Tiger Gal, .5 HLT & 167.5 Perf. Pts., AMT & O Superior WP
Zippos Watch jack, 16.5 HLT & 268.5 Perf. Pts., Superior TR & WR; '93 AQHA Champ.
Zips Chocolate Chip, 81 Perf. Pts.; '89 O World Champ. Jr. WP; '89 O Superior WP, '99 NSBA Hall of Fame
Zips Choicetta, 379 Perf. Pts., Superior TR & WP
Zips Rock N Roll, 50 Perf. Pts., '94 Superior WP

Information courtesy of Quarter Horse Directory,


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments:
Rockin' Diamond Quarter Horses
Everette and Betty Lee
2025 State Highway 2
Bedford, Iowa  50833
712-523-2282 (home)  641-223-6331 (cell, call or text)
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